Best Way to Maintain An E-scooter in UK | You Should Lock It

If you have the experience of loosing your escooter, I think you will get the main point of locking. 

If you haven't that experience, maybe you need to loose your escooter to help you find out the truth: life is not always good.


All right, let us find out the locking approaches and tools as below,

Here are some locks for you to choose. 

For escooters' users, I thought each of the locks is good. Let's see.


1, Z  Lock

Z lock is a lock, much convenient and portable compared to the next lock D, which thanks to its size and weight.
However, you don't have to worried about it, because of its toughness and you just use Z lock for temporary parking the electric scooter.
Sometimes like that, you go to the nearby shop for your lunch and only need to leave your scooter for a while. But it is difficult for you to find a scooter parking space so the Z lock just meets the needs.
The super good thing about the lock is that, it is quite easy to carry out. You don't have to find a place to take the lock in your scooter, but just to lock it around the scooter pole or anyplace you'd like to. 
Lock your scooter by adjusting the tightness, like pic 2 - locked tightly and secure your best electric scooter.


2, D Lock


pic 1
The D lock, is a lock in a D shape.
Lock is for locking something. So we always intend to choose the lock looks super tough and strong, so it can protect our scooters to some extent.
D lock does a good job.
Try D lock when you are gonna to lock it for a long time outside. You will thank for what you have chosen.
D lock is much tougher than Z lock and strong enough to lock your scooter. It is not hard to find some steel bike rack for locking your scooter with the lock D in many cities.
Easy lock steps as well.
Make sure that the shackle goes through the folding arm between the stem and the deck of the scooter.
Then, you can go do what you gotta do. 


3, Wall/Ground Lock

pic 3
It is better to lock your scooter even in your house. We don' t know whether the small kids have an interest in this cool driving stuff, etc.
But we can't easy to find a place to lock the scooter and we don't have to install a steel bike rack just for locking the scooter.
So, use a ground or wall anchor! It is easy to install on the ground or the wall as you like. Then use your powerful D lock to lock the scooter. 
Thanks for reading and hope these really do you a favor :>
Enjoy your escooter rides~
& Wish you a happy day~




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